Major Milestone Met - 1/15/12
It's been a while since I've given an update on Stockholm Syndrome. That's partly because I've been distracted with my writing projects and partly because there hasn't been much significant to report. That all changes now. After two and a half years, I have officially finished all of the songwriting for the album. I still have overdubs and vocals to record and mixing. Dear God, the mixing. This has been a long journey and musically it covers the majority of my career.

I'm including a fresh recording of Pump, which was on Blue Light in '99, I recorded for the first time, Cat 'O Nine Tails, written around '99-'00 and the first ever public release of a slightly reworked Don't Leave Marks from '01-'02 time frame. Everything else has been written between '09 and today. I look forward to putting Stockholm Syndrome behind me because I am very much not the same person I was when I started the album. Of course, writing it helped me work through a lot of my demons, anger and resentment so I would definitely not be where I am today without it. I hope in the coming months, I'll be able to continue to do the work justice and when it's released, that it is the best sounding sellmeyoursoul album to date.

I'm not sure what themes I will be addressing after this, but I'm feeling like I need to try and push myself into new directions. It's hard to tell if I've found my voice or just a comfortable rut, so imma kick myself in the musical balls and see where I land. I've already written a non-SS song on acoustic guitar. It's possible that I may practice the hell out of it and see if I can record the whole thing, guitar and vocals in one take. I've never done that before and the idea is frightening. Which is good. But that is looking ahead. I can't really spend time doing that shit until I finish up Stockholm Syndrome. The good news is that I've been feeling musically energized over the last couple of months. I'm hoping I can ride this momentum deep into the new year and have a release in 2012. No promises. Unless you ungrateful bastards start paying me to do it. Speaking of, feel free to go to the music section and listen to, download or even go crazy and purchase some of the older songs.

On the topic of older and milestones... the project that turned into sellmeyoursoul turns 15 later this year. I'm going to try and use that to motivate me to package up and release even more old tracks since the first half of SMYS' existence isn't currently available on the web. One of the things that is high on my list is to see if I can get a good digital version of the Stickfigure demo. It was the first collection of songs I did, before I changed my name to sellmeyoursoul. At the moment, I have the master tape, but it hasn't been played in over a decade, so there's no telling what shape it's in. Finger's crossed.



© 1997-2015 Mike Townsend